Sulphadimidin soduim 33.3 %Oral powder

Company Name
El Nasr
Pharmaceutical form
Oral powder
glass bottle 100 ml
Its indicated for : - Shipping fever pneumonia - Diphtheria - Pneumonia in cattle Target species : Cattle , Sheep & Pigs
Warning & Precautions
Should be used with care in renal impairment , ensure adequate water intake during treatment , avoid prolong administration
Product Type
For active ingredient - For Cattle , Sheep & Pigs : Initial dose : 200 mg / kg body wt. for one day I.V or S.C Maintenance dose : 100 mg / kg body wt. daily for 3 – 5 days I.V or S.C
Adverse Reactions
- Agranulocytosis, haemolytic anaemia , Avitaminosis-k with prolong administration, crystaluria
Contra Indications
Drug Interactions

Sulphadimidine ( Sodium )
Each 100 gm contains :
Sulphadimidine sodium 100 gm .
Company Name
Pharmaceutical form
Water soluble powder
500 gm .
Antibacterial agent .
Product Type
veterinary .
For all species :
Initial dose : 200 mg per kg of body weight daily .
Maintenance dose : 100 mg per kg of body weight daily .
With drawl period : 5 day before slaughter .
Adverse Reactions
Contra Indications
Drug Interactions
Sulphadimidine 33.3% W.S.P

Company Name
El Nile
Pharmaceutical form
100g-250g -500 g- 1 Kg in plastic jar
Bacterial pneumonia and Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex. ( Shipping Fever Complex) Pasteurella Spp . Colibacillosis (Bacterial Scours ) (E.Coli). Infectious Coryza ( Haemophilus gallinarum). Coccidiosis (Eimeria tenella, E.necatrix).
Warning & Precautions
Not to be used in laying hens .
Product Type
Prepare a 12,5 % stock solution of water by adding 37,5 gm of powder to one litter of water .
Adverse Reactions
Hypersensitivity reaction may occur . Occasional crystalurea.
Contra Indications
Renal or hepatic impairment ,Sulphonamide hypersensitivity, blood discrasias.
Drug Interactions
Incompatible with calcium or other polyionic containing fluids .
Sulphadimidine Sodium
Company Name
El Kahira
Pharmaceutical form
Plastic container x 500 gm.
Used in bacterial infection in animals , notably septicemia , pneumonia , various types of enteritis and strptococcal mastitis.diseases caused by salmonella , pastpeurella in calves and colts.
Warning & Precautions
if animals do not respond to the treatment in 2-3 days, rechek the diagnosis.Milk taken from treated dairy animals during treatment within 96 hours after the last treatment must not be used for food . Don’t treat birds within 5 days of slaughter with drawal period before slaughter is 15 days.
Product Type
cattle, sheep and swines : in feed add the corrected dose to an amount of feed. Initial dose all species : 0.2 gm / km body wt. , maintanance dose 0.1 gm / kg body wt.
Adverse Reactions
Nausea , vomiting skin rashes, gidness and diarrhea may occur.
Contra Indications
Contraindicated in animals with known hypersensitivity to sulphadimidine components.
Drug Interactions
The antibacterial action of the drug is eliminated by the following metabolites: P-aminobenzoic acid , other members of B- complex , coenzmes , glucose and mercuric chloride.
Sulphadimidine Sod.
Sulphadimidine sodium 100%.
Company Name
Pharmaceutical form
Water soluble powder
Package of 500 gm
for prevention , treatment of gastrointestinal infection , respiratory infection , fowl cholera , coccidiosis in poultry and turky , rabbits , calves
Warning & Precautions
May cause toxic reaction and irrepairable injury if exceeded 2 consecutive doses drug presepiate in violative tissue , not used for diary cattie for 20 month age as it may cause milk resedue
Product Type
Poultry turky : 2g / litre of drinking water for 3-5 day followed by 2 days rest then treatment is resumed for 2 days . Calves and rabbits : 0.2g / kg body weight ( initial dose ) 0.1g / kg body weight ( maitenance dose )
Adverse Reactions
Nausea , vomiting , anoxia , diarrhoea, hypersenstivity reaction , nephro toxicity including interstitial nephritis .
Contra Indications
Not to be used for layers , animal used for human consumption should not be slautered for food for at least 12 days after last treatment .
Drug Interactions
Sulphadimidin soduim 33.3 %Injection
Sulphademidine Sod.
Company Name
El Nasr
Pharmaceutical form
glass bottle 100 ml
Its indicated for : - Shipping fever pneumonia - Diphtheria - Pneumonia in cattle
Warning & Precautions
Should be used with care in renal impairment , ensure adequate water intake during treatment , avoid prolong administration
Product Type
For active ingredient - For Cattle , Sheep & Pigs : Initial dose : 200 mg / kg body wt. for one day I.V or S.C Maintenance dose : 100 mg / kg body wt. daily for 3 – 5 days I.V or S.C
Adverse Reactions
- Agranulocytosis, haemolytic anaemia , Avitaminosis-k with prolong administration, crystaluria
Contra Indications
Drug Interactions
Sulphadimidine Sodium pd
Sulphadimidine sodium 100 gm %
Company Name
Pharmaceutical form
100 gm & 500 gm sachets
It has been employed with success in fistulous withers. It also is useful for treating various bacterial infections secondary to canine distemper. In rabbits, it has been used for the treatment of intestinal coccidiosis and treatment of hepatic coccidiosis. It is reported to be effective against coccidiosis in chickens and turkeys, It may be useful in paratyphoid, typhoid and infectious coryza and pullorum disease, of chickens
Warning & Precautions
Not used for layers.
Product Type
Cats: Sulphadimidine is employed in an initial dose of 130 – 220 mg/kg body wt followed by 130 mg/kg body wt administered in equal factional doses at 12 hour intervals or chickens: for treatment: gm/Litre of drinking water for 3-5 days then rest for 2 days and repeat the treatment coare for another 2 days. Target Species: Poultry, Rabbits and Cats Withdrawal time Poultry meat: 10 days Eggs: None
Adverse Reactions
Hypersensitivity, heamorhages and decreased egg production.
Contra Indications
Drug Interactions
Alkalinization of the urine promotes Sulphonamide excretion, and urinary acidification increases the risk of crystaluria.