Novacid Vial
Each 100 ml contains: Metamizole 50 gm
Company Name
Therapeutic Group
Pharmaceutical form
Vial 100 ml
Vials of 100 ml.
• In all cases associated with fever. • For relief of pain in colic and gastrointestinal spasm. • Acute and chronic arthritis and rheumatic conditions.
Warning & Precautions
• Prolonged use may result in agranulocytosis and leukopenia. • Operators should take care to avoid self-injection because product may cause reaction in some individuals. • Operators that are sensitive to pyrazolones or aspirin should avoid handling the product.
Product Type
Dose of active ingredient: Horses: 5-10 gm SC, IM or IV Dogs: 27.5 mg/kg SC, IM or IV Dose of product: Horses: 10-20 ml SC, IM or IV Dogs: 0.055 ml/kg SC, IM or IV The dose may be repeated 1-2 times daily at 8-12 hours intervals. N.B. This product should not be used for food producing animals
Adverse Reactions
• Hypersensitivity reactions especially involving skin. • In horses: edema, erosions of buccal mucosa and ulceration of large gut especially after extended dosing. • In dogs: Gastrointestinal ulceration and hemorrhage
Contra Indications
• Not to be used for pregnant animals. • Not to be used for food producing animals
Drug Interactions