Enrofloxacin 10%
Enrofloxacin 10 %Company Name
Pharmaceutical form
water soluble powder in sachet
Sachet 25 gm , 50 gm , 100 gm , 200 gm
Poultry : * Mycoplasmosis . * Colisepticaemia . * Salmonellosis . * Pasterellosis ( fowal cholera ) * Artheritis . * Coryza . * Erysipelas in turkey . Cattle , Sheep and Goats : * Coli - infections in calves and lambs . * Urinary tract infections .
Warning & Precautions
Animals intolerant to other quinolines may be intolerant to Enrofloxacin
Product Type
-Poultry : 10 mg/kg body weight/day for 3 - 5 successive days . -Cattle , sheep , goats : 2.5 mg/kg body weight/day for 3 - 5 successive days by mouth
Adverse Reactions
Contra Indications
* It is not indicated in horses and young dogs . * It is not interact with coccidiostats so it can be used with most of available coccidiostats
Drug Interactions
* It is not indicated in horses and young dogs . * It is not interact with coccidiostats so it can be used with most of available coccidiostats
Enroxin 10%
Enrofloxacin 10 gm %
Company Name
Pharmaceutical form
100 ml & 1L bottles
Enroxin is used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Poultry: CRD, Coli septicaemia, Coryza, Fowl cholera, Fowl typhoid, other Salmonellosis, different mycoplasmosis, Hexamitiasis and Vibrionic hepatitis. Ruminants: Enteritis, diarrhea and respiratory infections of newly – born, growing off- springs and adults due to Colibacillosis, Pasteurellosis, Salmonellosis , Mycoplasmosis and Clostridia, beside acute and gangrenous mastitis, infectious agalactia , vibrionic dysentery and synovitis as well . Rabbits: Pasteurellosis, enterotoxaemia, enteritis, dysentery, snuffle, respiratory infections, Listeriosis, endometritis, Tyzzer`s disease & yersina infection. The activity against mycoplasmas suggests efficacy in respiratory disease in cattle.
Warning & Precautions
Animals intolerant to other quinolones may be intolerant to enrofloxacin. Dosage & Administration:
Product Type
- Indications (- Mycoplasma infections & C.R.D - Septicaemia with E. coli – Coryza - Fowl cholera – Salmonellosis - Erysipelas in turkeys) : Dosage & Duration (10 mg/ Kg body weight daily for 3 days ( or 0.1 ml/ Kg body weight) daily for 3 days Note : In case of salmonellosis the drug must be given for 5 days .) : Type & Route of Administration (Poultry (Chickens Turkeys) S.C or IM).
- Indications (-Bronchitis & Pneumonia - Gastritis & Dysentry – Mastitis - Endometritis) : Dosage & Duration (2.5 – 5 mg/ Kg body weight daily for 3-5 days ( or 1-2 ml / 40 Kg body weight) daily for 3-5 days) : Type & Route of Administration (Cattle, Sheep & Goats
S.C or IM).
- Indications (- Pneumonia - Gastritis, Dysentry - Mastitis, Endometritis) : Dosage & Duration (2.5 mg/ Kg body weight daily for 2-3 days (or 1 ml / 40 Kg body weight) daily for 2-3 days) : Type & Route of Administration (Pigs S.C).
- Indications (-Otitis - Genito-Urinary tract infections - Wounds and skin inflammations.) : Dosage & Duration (5 mg/ Kg body weight daily for 3 days ( or 0.1 ml / 2 Kg body weight daily for 2-3 days) : Type & Route of Administration (Dogs & Cats S.G).
Adverse Reactions
Contra Indications
In rapidly growing dogs less than 12 months of age. In horses. Not used for layers
Drug Interactions