Cidarin 10%
Tetramisole HCl 11.79 gm %
Company Name
Pharmaceutical form
100 ml vials
Extensive in vitro and in vivo tests have been carried out with tetramisole. the active substance of Cidarin. These tests have proved Cidarin to be highly effective against mature and immature stages of pathogenic gastrointestinal nematodes in cattle and sheep. Moreover. Cidarin exerts a strong specific effect on adult lungworms and their larval stages. Accordingly the spectrum of activity comprises the following worm species: Cattle : Lungworms, Dictyocaulus viviparus , Gastrointestinal Nematodes, Haemonchus spp., Nematodirus spp., Ostertagia spp., Bunostomum spp., Trichostrongylus spp., Oesophagostomum spp., Cooperia spp. , Neoascaris vitulorum. Sheep and goats : Lungworms , Dictyocaulus filaria, Gastrointestinal Haemonchus spp., Nematodirus spp., Nematodes, Ostertagia spp., Bunostomum spp., Trichostrongylus spp., Chabertia Ovina, Cooperia spp., Oesophagostomum spp.
Warning & Precautions
Product Type
0.7 ml for every 10 kg body weight. a. Cattle Body Weight (40-50 kg) : Dosage (3 ml) Body Weight (50-65 kg) : Dosage (4 ml) Body Weight (65-80 kg) : Dosage (5 ml) Body Weight (80-100 kg) : Dosage (6 ml) Body Weight (100- 130 kg) : Dosage (8 ml) Body Weight (130- 160 kg) : Dosage (10 ml) Body Weight (160-200 kg) : Dosage (12 ml) Body Weight (200-250 kg) : Dosage (15 ml) Body Weight (250-320 kg) : Dosage (20 ml) Body Weight (320-400 kg) : Dosage (25 ml) Body Weight (Over 400 kg) : Dosage (30 ml) b. Sheep and Goats Body Weight (6.5-9.5 kg) : Dosage (0.5 ml) Body Weight (9.5-12.5 kg) : Dosage (0.75 ml) Body Weight (12.5-16 kg) : Dosage (1.0 ml) Body Weight (16-20 kg) : Dosage (1.25 ml) Body Weight (20-25 kg) : Dosage (1.5 ml) Body Weight (25-33 kg) : Dosage (2.0 ml) Body Weight (33-40 kg) : Dosage (2.5 ml) Body Weight (Over 40 kg) : Dosage (3.0 ml)
Adverse Reactions
Cidarin at the recommended doses is well tolerated. In sheep mild reactions (lasstiude of short duration or occasional muscular twitching. Even at times liveliness) may occur with 10 mg/kg(2.5 ml/25 kg) S.C. in trials with higher doses (40 mg/kg, S.C.) salivation. Increase of the respiratory rate, etc. were observed. In cattle after 10 mg / kg (5 ml/50 kg) mild side effects (unrest, mild colics, etc.) may be seen within an hour after treatment. These reactions which are more likely to be observed in older, well nourished animals, abate quickly. The lethal dose for cattle is at 40 mg/kg.