Carbachol 0.1 %
Company Name
Pharmaceutical form
Subcutaneous Injection
Sterile solution 50 ml,100 ml ,250 ml & 500 ml in amber coloured glass
Carbachol is indicated in all cases where effects of parasympathatic stimulation are required , It is commonly used in treatment of large animals so, in horse it is used to treat simple colic, in cattle it is used in oesophogeal obstrution,Carbachol is of value in the treatment of postoperative intestinal atony and post-operative retention of urine «
Warning & Precautions
Not to be used in old animals Not to be used in acute cardiac failure
Product Type
Horse 2 to 5 cc Cattle 2 to4 cc Pigs 1 to 2 cc Sheeps & goats 0« 2 5 cc
Adverse Reactions
Salivation,abdominal pain,sweating and faintness *
Contra Indications
In cases of severe impaction or when the gut is markedly,distended,heart weakness,pulmonary disorders and in old animals Atropine is antagonistic to Carbachol and be used to reverse its effect if it is found to be necessary
Drug Interactions