Streptomycin Veterinary Powder
Streptomycin Sulphate 100 gm / 100 gm
Company Name
Pharmaceutical form
Veterinay powder
bottle of 200 gm powder
"Oral forms of Streptomycin is frequently combined with sulphonamide drugs and other compounds , are used in the treatment of enteritis, the action of the antibiotic is limited to the lumen of the alimentary tract.
In the horse, streptomycin has been used for treating cystitis due to E. Coli.
In dogs, this antibiotic is useful given orally in treating infectious dysentery.
-Streptomycin has been used to treat leptospirosis in cattle, swine and dogs and has been successful in eliminating organisms from urine. Chronic respiratory disease of chickens has also been effectively treated with streptomycin. The drug is also of some value in control of fowl cholera and fowl typhoid.
Warning & Precautions
Bacteria quite easily acquire a resistance to the antibiotic, especially when exposed to continued low concentration of the drug.
Streptomycin Sulphate 100 gm / 100 gm
Company Name
Pharmaceutical form
Veterinay powder
bottle of 200 gm powder
"Oral forms of Streptomycin is frequently combined with sulphonamide drugs and other compounds , are used in the treatment of enteritis, the action of the antibiotic is limited to the lumen of the alimentary tract.
In the horse, streptomycin has been used for treating cystitis due to E. Coli.
In dogs, this antibiotic is useful given orally in treating infectious dysentery.
-Streptomycin has been used to treat leptospirosis in cattle, swine and dogs and has been successful in eliminating organisms from urine. Chronic respiratory disease of chickens has also been effectively treated with streptomycin. The drug is also of some value in control of fowl cholera and fowl typhoid.
Warning & Precautions
Bacteria quite easily acquire a resistance to the antibiotic, especially when exposed to continued low concentration of the drug.
Product Type
"The suggested dose for dogs, calves and swine by this route is 1 gm daily in a single dose or divided into 2 or 3 equal doses.
Generally the dose is 20 mg / kg body weight .
Adverse Reactions
"In large doses over prolonged periods, streptomycin may be toxic, the most significant effect being reversible vestibular disturbances, occasionally a permenant loss of hearing may result.
Chronic toxicity caused by streptomycin is due to its attack to the cochlear division of the eighth cranial nerve, causing vertigo and, if dosage is continued, an irreversible loss of ability to balance. If dosing is decreased or stopped before symptoms intensify, recovery can take place. large doses should not be administered for longer than 3 or 4 days.
Contra Indications
Drug Interactions
Streptomycine Sulphate (W.S.P)
Streptomycine Sulphate
Company Name
El Nasr
Pharmaceutical form
Water Soluble Powder for Vet. Use
Plastic Jar Of 500 gm
bactericidal aminoglycoside acts against gm - ve bacteria & some gm + ve it is used for bacillary diarrhea in calves & lambs & kids
Warning & Precautions
Not for use in cats as they are highly sensitive for neurotoxic effects
Product Type
Calves, lambs and kids 10-20 mg / kg b. wt. for 3 - 5 Days
Adverse Reactions
Prolonged administration in high doses may lead to neurotoxicity, nephrotoxicity and hepatoxicity
Contra Indications
Advanced hepatic or renal diseases
Drug Interactions
Streptomycin sulphate
Streptomycin sulphate 100 %
Company Name
Pharmaceutical form
Waer soluble powder
-Packs of 175gm, 200 gm, 500 gm and 1 kgm in P.E.G printed packages with all information -Glass bottles with label of 175 gm, 200 gm
-Enteritis due to E.coli infections in all species (enteritis of foals & coliform enteritis of calves)
Warning & Precautions
-Animals must be actually drinking enough water to provide the recommended level of streptomycin
Product Type
For whole product and active principle: -Poultry : 2.5 – 5 mg /bird twice daily -Preruminating calves & sheep : 10 mg /kgm body weight
Adverse Reactions
-Locally to veterinarian who handle powder or solutions and may themselves become sensitized or allergic.
Contra Indications
-Not for chickens producing eggs for human consumption
Drug Interactions
Streptomycin sulphate
Streptomycin sulphate
Company Name
El Nasr
Pharmaceutical form
Powder for inj.
Glass vial : 200 gm
It is a broad bactericidal antibiotic 1- For the treatment of enteric infections in calves. 2- For control of diarrhoea in calves and small animals For Birds: 1- Enteric infections and diarrhoea. 2- Respiratory infections coryza and Mycoplasma
Product Type
Poultry: 11 mg/kg b.w. injection I.M. Cattle: 5 gm inject I.M. for 3 days. Horse: 2-6 gm inject I.M. day after day. Sheep & goat: 0.5 gm inject I.M.
Streptomycin sulphate powder for injection Streptomycin sulphate 100g./500 ml. Company Name El Nile Pharmaceutical form Powder Package glass bottle of 100 ml-500 ml- 1 L Indications - It is used to treat bovin mastitis ,actinomycosis in cattle - It is used to treat calf pneumonia . - In horse used for treating cystitis due to E.Coli . Warning & Precautions Should not be used in sheep, goats producing milk for human consumption . Product Type Vetrinary Dosage Foals:- 0.5 gm . ( 2.5 ml ) every 4 hours I/M Horses:- 1 -2 gm. ( 5 ml – 10 ml ) every 4 hours I/M Cattle :- 5 gm ( 25 ml ) daily for 3 days Adverse Reactions Ototoxicity , neuromuscular blockade,and nephrotoxiciy are reported . Contra Indications - They should be used with care & for short periods of time . - Simultaneous administration with other potentially ototoxic drugs such as loop diuretics should be avoided. Drug Interactions None.
STREPTOMYCIN SULPHATE 100% STREPTOMYCIN SULPHATE 100 gm. Company Name El Kahira Pharmaceutical form Powder Package 100,250, 500 gm 1.5 & 10 kg. Indications For treatment of coliform infections Warning & Precautions The drug should not be used for long time. Product Type VETERINARY Dosage Poultry : 100- 200 mg / bird in drinking water for 3- 5 days. Calves , foals, lambs and goats : 20 mg / kg body wt in drinking water.for 2 days. Adverse Reactions Ototoxicity, is reported . Muscle weakness may occur . Contra Indications Not to be used in ruminating animals or milk producing animals and for layers. Drug Interactions The medicated water should be used within 24 houres.