Neomycin 20 %
Neomycin sulphateCompany Name
El Nasr
Pharmaceutical form
Aluminum sachet 20, 100, 200 gm Metal can 0.5 , 1 kgm
Because it is not absorbed from intestine, it is indicated in treatment of enteric infections
Warning & Precautions
Should be used with care & for short period of time
Product Type
For active ingredient : by addition to drinking water Poultry : 11 mg / kg Calves : 20 - 40 mg / kg . For Whole Product Poultry : 5.5 gm / 10 liter of drinking water Calves : 1 - 2 gm / Liter drinking water
Adverse Reactions
May lead to nephrotoxicity & ototoxicity
Contra Indications
Should not be used for animals with renal impairment
For active ingredient : by addition to drinking water Poultry : 11 mg / kg Calves : 20 - 40 mg / kg . For Whole Product Poultry : 5.5 gm / 10 liter of drinking water Calves : 1 - 2 gm / Liter drinking water
Adverse Reactions
May lead to nephrotoxicity & ototoxicity
Contra Indications
Should not be used for animals with renal impairment
Neomycin sulphate 20 %
Company Name
Pharmaceutical form
water soluble Powder
20 gm, 25 gm, 200 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm
-Neomycin is used for bacterial enteritis caused by gram positive and gram negative bacteria. -Neomycin is used for the treatment of coliform enteritis and scoure in all species caused by (Escherichia coli and salmonella). -Neomycin is used for treatment of blue comb in turkeys caused by Escherichia coli.
Warning & Precautions
-Don't administer neomycin in drinking water for more than 3 days and if symptoms persist after this period consult a veterinarian. -If symptoms such as fever, depression or going off feed develop, oral Neomycin is not indicated as the sole treatment. -Prepare fresh medication daily. -Medicated water should be the only source of drinking water.
Product Type
For Active ingredient: -Poultry and Turkeys:11mg/kgm body weight -Cattle : 22.5 mg/kgm body weight -Pre-ruminating calves and foals : 2 - 3 gm -Sheep : 0.75 - 1 gm -Horses 4 - 7.5 gm -Dogs 0.2 - 0.5 gm For whole product : -Poultry and Turkeys : 55 mg/kgm body weight or 550 mg/liter drinking water. -Cattle : 112.5 mg/kgm body weight -Pre-ruminating calves and foals : 10 - 15gm -Sheep 3.75 - 5 gm -Horses : 20 - 37.5 gm -Dogs : 1 - 2.5 gm
Adverse Reactions
-Oral administration of Neomycin may cause slight laxative effect. -Neomycin may cause intestinal mal-absorption. -Neomycin may cause ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity like other aminoglycosides.
Contra Indications
-Neomycin isn't used if the animal is hypersensitive to aminoglycosides. -Neomycin isn't used for cats. -Neomycin isn't used for foals with signs of toxaemia. -Neomycin isn't used for animal with myasthenia gravis. -Neomycin isn't used in case of intestinal obstruction. -Neomycin isn't used in amoebic dysentery. -Neomycin should be used with great caution in case of liver or kidney disease.
Drug Interactions