Piperazine citrate 100 gm %
Company Name
Pharmaceutical form
100 gm &500 gm sachets
Piperazine citrate is the best treatment of choice for ascarid and oxyurid worms, and also active against some hookworms ( uncinaria) and round worms ( e.g. oesophagostomum, strongylides and hostrongylides) in all domestic animals . It may be administered to pregnant animals and also to animals suffering from gastrointestinal tract disorders.
Warning & Precautions
Product Type
Poultry: 250 mg / kg body weight or 3000 - 5000 ppm in diet or drinking water Horses : 200 mg / kg body weight . Dogs & cats : 110 -220 mg / kg body weight Calves, foals : 3.6-5.4 gm/50 kg body weight Repeat treatment after four weeks for one day .
Adverse Reactions
Piperazine is very safe to use, the only occasional side effects are emesis and softening of the feaces .
Contra Indications
Drug Interactions
Piperazine citrate 100 %
Piperazine citrate 100%
Company Name
Pharmaceutical form
Soluble powder in polyethylene bag printed with all information of 20 gm, 30 gm , 100 gm , 250 gm , 500 gm , 1000 gm
Anthelmintic for ascarids in a variety of species e.g. (Dogs - Cats – Rabbits – Rodents – Pocket pets – Horses and Birds . Anthelmintic oral treatment for pinworm ٬ roundworm infestations in poultry and large animals .
Warning & Precautions
Product Type
Dogs and Cats : For treatment of ascarids : 45 – 65 mg of base / kg BW 150 mg maximum . Rabbits – Rodents – Pocket pets : 3 grams / liter of drinking water for 2 weeks Horses : 110 mg / kg (base) BW repeat in 3 – 4 weeks . Swine : 110 mg / kg (as base) . citrate salt usually used in feed as a one day treatment . Birds : For ascarids in poultry (not effective in psittacines) : 100 – 500 mg / kg BW once , repeat in 10 – 14 days . For nematodes : 45 – 100 mg / kg single dose or 6 – 10 grams / gallon for 1 – 4 days .
Adverse Reactions
Adverse effects are uncommon at recommended doses , but diarrhea , emesis and ataxia may be noted in dogs and cats
Contra Indications
Piperazine should be considered contraindicated in patients with chronic liver or kidney disease , and in patients with gastrointestinal hypomotility
Drug Interactions
Piperazine Citrate W.S.P
Piperazine Citrate 100%.
Company Name
El Nile
Pharmaceutical form
100 g- 200 g- 250 g- 500 g-1 Kg Poly ethylene bag in metal cans
Used in the treatment of helminthes infestations for cattle ,sheep ,dogs ,cats and poultry e.g. Ascaridia species , Ascaris lumbercoides ,Oesphagostomum spp. , Oxyruis equi , Parascaris equorum , Strongylus vulgaris
Warning & Precautions
- Larval stages are not effectively paralyzed and repeat treatment is recommended in 2 to 4 weeks . -- Care in animals with history of epilepsy or severe renal impairment and pregnant animals.
Product Type
- For dogs and cats:128.6 - 185.7 mg .Product / kg . B.W. - 314.3 mg. Product /Kg . B.W.- For cattle and sheep.For poultry .- 91.4 mg. Product /kg. B.W.
Adverse Reactions
- Large doses may causes emesis , diarrhea ,incoordination and head pressing in cats and dogs .- Occasionally an animal may show nausea,vomiting or muscular tremors with overdosage.
Contra Indications
Contraindicated in long standing renal or liver disease and pregnant animals . -Contraindicated in cases of heavy infestation of (Parascaris equorm), it may lead to rupture or blockade of bowel in equines .
Drug Interactions
Company Name
El Nasr
Pharmaceutical form
Plastic jar of 100 gm & 500 gm. Aluminum sachet 20, 100, 200, 500 gm
Piperazine citrate is effective against ascarid, and oxyrid warms . it is also effective against some hook warms (uncinaria) and round warms (oesophogostamum, strongylus) for domestic animals and chicken
Warning & Precautions
Piperazine could be used synergistically with phenothiazine
Product Type
For Active ingredient Horses : 110 mg / kg b. wt. Poultry : 32 mg / kg b. wt. Pigs : 110 mg / kg b. wt. Dogs and cats: 45 - 65 mg / kg b. wt
Adverse Reactions
Over dosage may lead to impaired excretion, diarrhea, abdominal pain
Contra Indications
Company Name
Pharmaceutical form
100 gm &500 gm sachets
Piperazine citrate is the best treatment of choice for ascarid and oxyurid worms, and also active against some hookworms ( uncinaria) and round worms ( e.g. oesophagostomum, strongylides and hostrongylides) in all domestic animals . It may be administered to pregnant animals and also to animals suffering from gastrointestinal tract disorders.
Warning & Precautions
Product Type
Poultry: 250 mg / kg body weight or 3000 - 5000 ppm in diet or drinking water Horses : 200 mg / kg body weight . Dogs & cats : 110 -220 mg / kg body weight Calves, foals : 3.6-5.4 gm/50 kg body weight Repeat treatment after four weeks for one day .
Adverse Reactions
Piperazine is very safe to use, the only occasional side effects are emesis and softening of the feaces .
Contra Indications
Drug Interactions
Piperazine citrate 100 %
Piperazine citrate 100%
Company Name
Pharmaceutical form
Soluble powder in polyethylene bag printed with all information of 20 gm, 30 gm , 100 gm , 250 gm , 500 gm , 1000 gm
Anthelmintic for ascarids in a variety of species e.g. (Dogs - Cats – Rabbits – Rodents – Pocket pets – Horses and Birds . Anthelmintic oral treatment for pinworm ٬ roundworm infestations in poultry and large animals .
Warning & Precautions
Product Type
Dogs and Cats : For treatment of ascarids : 45 – 65 mg of base / kg BW 150 mg maximum . Rabbits – Rodents – Pocket pets : 3 grams / liter of drinking water for 2 weeks Horses : 110 mg / kg (base) BW repeat in 3 – 4 weeks . Swine : 110 mg / kg (as base) . citrate salt usually used in feed as a one day treatment . Birds : For ascarids in poultry (not effective in psittacines) : 100 – 500 mg / kg BW once , repeat in 10 – 14 days . For nematodes : 45 – 100 mg / kg single dose or 6 – 10 grams / gallon for 1 – 4 days .
Adverse Reactions
Adverse effects are uncommon at recommended doses , but diarrhea , emesis and ataxia may be noted in dogs and cats
Contra Indications
Piperazine should be considered contraindicated in patients with chronic liver or kidney disease , and in patients with gastrointestinal hypomotility
Drug Interactions
Piperazine Citrate W.S.P
Piperazine Citrate 100%.
Company Name
El Nile
Pharmaceutical form
100 g- 200 g- 250 g- 500 g-1 Kg Poly ethylene bag in metal cans
Used in the treatment of helminthes infestations for cattle ,sheep ,dogs ,cats and poultry e.g. Ascaridia species , Ascaris lumbercoides ,Oesphagostomum spp. , Oxyruis equi , Parascaris equorum , Strongylus vulgaris
Warning & Precautions
- Larval stages are not effectively paralyzed and repeat treatment is recommended in 2 to 4 weeks . -- Care in animals with history of epilepsy or severe renal impairment and pregnant animals.
Product Type
- For dogs and cats:128.6 - 185.7 mg .Product / kg . B.W. - 314.3 mg. Product /Kg . B.W.- For cattle and sheep.For poultry .- 91.4 mg. Product /kg. B.W.
Adverse Reactions
- Large doses may causes emesis , diarrhea ,incoordination and head pressing in cats and dogs .- Occasionally an animal may show nausea,vomiting or muscular tremors with overdosage.
Contra Indications
Contraindicated in long standing renal or liver disease and pregnant animals . -Contraindicated in cases of heavy infestation of (Parascaris equorm), it may lead to rupture or blockade of bowel in equines .
Drug Interactions
Company Name
El Nasr
Pharmaceutical form
Plastic jar of 100 gm & 500 gm. Aluminum sachet 20, 100, 200, 500 gm
Piperazine citrate is effective against ascarid, and oxyrid warms . it is also effective against some hook warms (uncinaria) and round warms (oesophogostamum, strongylus) for domestic animals and chicken
Warning & Precautions
Piperazine could be used synergistically with phenothiazine
Product Type
For Active ingredient Horses : 110 mg / kg b. wt. Poultry : 32 mg / kg b. wt. Pigs : 110 mg / kg b. wt. Dogs and cats: 45 - 65 mg / kg b. wt
Adverse Reactions
Over dosage may lead to impaired excretion, diarrhea, abdominal pain
Contra Indications